So wow it's 2010 and I guess 2009 has been a pretty super year, I mean really good. So many things got done now I look back at it, highlights included not falling over the side or getting dismasted on a three thousand mile sailing trip, having an incredible last year at uni living with the Beaufort Road massive, spending time, albeit too little sometimes, with a special lady and most recently finally for the first time in the past eight years no longer working in a shop. I'm now the 2nd Engineer on a tall ship called Lord Nelson, as it stands right now I feel like the year has been a success.
In other news I've taken up skipping in an attempt to claw back fitness that was severely lacking by the latter part of the year, working takes its toll and the time I used to have to do fun things to keep fit such as riding Bolehills slips away. This makes me sad, I just hope I can continue to ride as much as possible, even if it is only once a month.
Well the France trip is fast approaching and I feel like most of my blog posts revolve around this trip, I guess that's because it's the sickest trip anybody who loves riding push bikes and having jokes could hope to go on. DC is making the trip over especially and my buddy Pete is also coming. Combined with the regular stars I know this is going to be an epic week, enough love for the crew.

Early morning cuppa after a gale blew through over night mid Atlantic. Good times.
Time to move forward and be positive, pushing new boundaries and taking what I have learnt in the last year forward with me.
Respect x
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