There is quite a lot of exciting stuff happening at the moment, I got a place on the Genius training scheme at work which means I'll be more and more involved with the technical side of things, something I've been super keen to get into. Then come July I'll have a short break from work so that I can bring "Meander", a 40ft classic boat belonging to my friend back to Falmouth from Maine in the USA. I seem to alternate between excitement and and nervousness, although I think this is a good thing because to view such a trip lightly would be foolish. It's 3100miles so we'll be at sea for around a month.
As well as all these treats my folks have got a new dog called Fudge, he's ever so nice and although he's young and excitable, he is super chilled once he knows who you are. I don't doubt he's going to be an awesome dog to have around the place and I'll be looking after him through August so I'm looking forward to that. Here is a photo of him Phil took last week.
The work is full on at the moment with my project write up but I'm trying to do it each day so I have evenings clear for fun stuff, no doubt it'll ramp up even more though soon. With the evenings getting lighter and lighter I'm able to ride and climb a bit in the evenings which is the best really, I love it when summer comes.
Because I'm slack I never update this thing so I managed to miss out any sort of France '09 report. Not much needs to be said except it was RAD, if a little windy for a day or two. We missed my most mainest man and heavy hitter DC. No doubt he'd have being doing fully clicked bar turns and putting his seatpost up and down all the time with his euro clamp so the French missed out, but it aint like they've never seen action like that before... next time brother. There is an edit in the making and I'll make an effort to work on it over easter so stand by to get hit hard by that. For now take in the sky and think about hitting the trails in the evening sun, picture below by Joey Gough. Table by AT.

Till the next time players x
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