Well the past couple of weeks have thrown one or two things up in the air for me. I have three re-sit exams to do, starting friday. I'm feeling fairly indifferent about them to be honest. I'm slowly getting through the work. Will I get them passed? We shall see. I'm not as driven as I was first time round. I started a new job at an interesting car tuning centre with the intention of doing work experience there in September. I am now feeling a little up in the air after being offered a job there on a more permenant basis. I'm hoping I'll be able to work next years re-sits and the job with each other. It is an exciting place and I feel happy to even have the choice, even if it does seem daunting. www.jbsautodesigns.co.uk Check out the sort of stuff they do and what I've been invited to join them in.
The weather has been great till today where it turned on it's head. Despite this sunny spell the bike has sat in the cellar for most of the time and I'm looking forward to going riding properly when all these exams are done with. The XC bike should get an airing too, a rare sight. This picture is from Leeds last year. Doing this footjam on the 5ft after some months trying to learn them put a smile on my face and I was buzzing the whole way home. Hopefully I'll find a vocation that will do the same for me.