No post for a while! I've been super busy with exams and they've been hard work. But on friday I had my last one. Yeeee. Carnival was good but not £22.50 good. I did do a tripple flip on the bungee trampoline though, factory! Still good to see everyone off.
The highlight of the weekend was my trip to Rother Valley. My friend Will invited me to go wakeboarding with the snowboard club. Thanks man. Possibly the best £15 I have ever spent. We camped sunday night after BBQing, chilling and partying then today we got on the water. I tried as hard as I could and started to get the hang of it but never achieved my goal to get all the way round. Next time I go I'm going to flip out of the kicker! Or maybe not.
Big props to the snowboard club, they rule. I enjoyed meeting some cool people and making some new friends! Hard to do at this stage in the game I think. Hopefully it won't be the last I see of them.
Tuesday week I leave for Sweden, I'm excited about my trip and seeing some old mates. It's going to be mint. No photos this time, I was too fast on the wakeboard and no known lenses can hack the pace...
Big Love